2020 Streets Alive!
Let's get to 10,000 miles for the 10th Anniversary of Streets Alive! Track your miles while you walk, run, bike or skate during the week of Sunday, October 4th - Saturday, October 10th. If we get to 10,000 tracked miles as a community, Partnership for a Healthy Lincoln will award a $500 Community Development mini-grant to the neighborhood association of the person who tracks the most miles in this group. Need some inspiration to get out and active? Check out a fun Neighborhood Scavenger Bingo game with kid, teen and adult bingo cards. Track your miles as you explore your neighborhood! Visit the Streets Alive webpage for more information: www.HealthyLincoln.org/StreetsAlive.
Activities :
Total Group Miles
Group Weekly Stats
Miles logged in the past seven days: 0.00
Average miles per member in the past seven days: 0.00
Too few of this group's members have logged miles to generate a leaderboard.