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Gravel Worlds : Winter Endurance Bike/Run

February 15, 2025 - 8:00am
Sandhills Global Event Center, 4100 N 84th St, Lincoln, NE, 68507
Fun Run / Race
Organization Info: 
n/a, Lincoln, NE, 68501

Welcome the THIRD annual Winter Endurance presented by  Gravel Worlds!! The newest Gravel Worlds gravel event will bring us back to our roots. Small town store for the biking checkpoint, lottery tickets to prove you stopped at the checkpoint, clipboard timing, small participation numbers, and riding and running no matter the conditions!!?

Cyclists will be limited to 400 people. At this time there will be no limit on running participants. 

Saturday, Feb 15, 2025
8AM: 150k BIKE
9AM: 100k Bike
10AM: 50k Bike
10:30 AM: 10k Run

Nearly 100% of the courses will be on gravel and dirt roads north and west of Lincoln. 


  • 150k Bike
    • The 150k course will do the 100k bike loop, come back to the start/finish, then do the 50k bike loop. 
    • Riders will be required to check in at the start/finish line before leaving for the second loop. 
    • Riders will be allowed to restock and make clothing changes at their vehicle or at the start/finish line before leaving for loop two. Think of this as your “drop bag”.
    • Roughly 93 miles.
Event Agreement: 
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